At St John’s we love to celebrate our students’ achievements, endeavours and hard work and we delight in rewarding our young people for their academic, pastoral, sporting and community efforts.

We are always delighted to recognise the hard work, dedication and diligence of our young people, whether their endeavours and achievements are within the classroom, on the sporting field or working with the wider community.  Our students are our best ambassadors and we actively encourage them to let their God-given talents and gifts shine for all to see.

St John’s House System


When students begin St John’s in Year 7 they join one of our four houses, a house which they will belong to and represent throughout their time with us. Our four houses are Aidan, Bede,

When students begin St John’s in Year 7 they join one of our four houses, a house which they will belong to and represent throughout their time with us. Our four houses are Aidan, Bede, Cuthbert and Wilfrid

Students are awarded ClassCharts points for their wonderful work ethic, excellent efforts, amazing achievements and positive contributions to the wider life of St John’s.  In addition, they receive positive points for high standards of attendance, punctuality, organisation and presentation.  We also celebrate our students for demonstrating our values and virtues during their encounters with others, both within and beyond St John’s.  Their respect and compassion for others, as well as their honesty, resilience and sense of responsibility are recognised and rewarded, helping them to grow into proactive and positive contributors to the world around them. 

Recognition of Positive Behaviour


ClassCharts points are awarded to students during each term, along with their points from any house competitions.  All of the points are added together at the end of the each term to determine the winning house. Students in the winning house receive termly house rewards such as pizza parties, ice cream treats and a Summer Spectacular festival, helping us to celebrate our students’ achievements in style. 

Our House System helps to promote a sense of teamwork, collaboration and pride, and our house competitions, including events such as sports competitions, spelling bees, bake-offs and creative writing challenges, ensure that all students are able to contribute to their houses’ success. Our end of year Sports Day is also centred around our house system, with all students representing their house during this wonderful annual event.

As well as our House System, we have numerous other reward schemes in school to ensure all students are celebrated for their achievements and successes. Our weekly High Fives, shared on our social media pages and in our weekly parent/carer newsletters, enable staff to nominate students who have impressed them with their hard work, excellent efforts and positive contributions.  In addition, our ClassCharts’ leaderboards celebrate those students who have excelled in their learning and in their contributions to school life.

Our parent/carer newsletters are distributed to our local parishes and celebrate our young people’s achievements and participation in enrichment and extra-curricular activities on a weekly basis - Latest News | St John's Catholic School & Sixth Form College (

Our weekly ‘Bring and Brag’ gives students the opportunity to share a piece of work they are proud of with a member of our Senior Leadership Team in exchange for a reward.


Academic excellence is not the only thing we love to reward and shout about! Our ‘Good Egg’ awards acknowledge those students who uphold our high standards of behaviour, uniform and good manners.

Similarly, in our end of term celebration assemblies, students receive rewards for excellent/improved attendance, as well as good progress and attainment.

Our annual events such as our Sports Awards, the Jaquie Holloway Prize for Performing Arts and our Virtue Awards Evening allow us to celebrate our students’ fantastic achievements on a larger scale.

Our Virtues


It is not just our students we love to reward. We believe in showing appreciation and acknowledgment of our wonderful staff too, and our ‘I Heard a Whisper’ initiative allows parents/carers, colleagues and students to nominate staff members who they feel have gone above and beyond in their roles. Since launching this initiative in January 2023, almost 250 nominations have been received, and all of these staff members have received postcards and a chocolate bar as a reward.

At St John’s we are incredibly proud of everyone’s outstanding commitment, excellent efforts and amazing achievements.  We believe it is important to encourage our young people to soar like eagles as we delight in their successes and guide them to become the best versions of themselves.