Benedict XVI | Biography, Resignation, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica 


“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person.  And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.”

Pope Benedict XVI


St John’s - A Learning Community Guided by Gospel Values


At St John’s Catholic School & Sixth Form College, we believe in providing a transformative education that nurtures the spiritual well-being of our students.

Our Head of RE and Catholic Life, Elaine Smith, and our School Chaplain, Emma Ramsey lead the Catholic Life of our school.


Elaine Smith

Spirituality is at the forefront of our mission, and all staff members share responsibility for the development of Liturgy and ethos within St John’s. 

The ministry of chaplaincy at St John’s affirms, strengthens and heals. Our School Chaplain offers pastoral care to both staff and students, and is always ready to listen, advise and pray with those who are facing difficulties of any kind.


Emma Ramsey


Our School Chapel is at the heart of St John’s and is a sanctuary of peace, open to all for quiet prayer and reflection. We have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle and all members of our community are invited to spend sacred moments together.

Gospel reflections are shared with students during PREP and in weekly assemblies for each year group.  Students lead reflections and liturgies with their pastoral and year groups.  Students also have prayer journals which they discuss on a weekly basis.  Weekly mass takes place in our Chapel on Friday mornings at 8.15am.


Faith in Action

Our students demonstrate their faith in action by working collaboratively to enrich our worshipping community.  Their sense of service is evident in their charitable work, their support for those who are vulnerable or in need and through their acts of kindness.



Every student can participate in a residential retreat at the Emmaus Village in Consett, County Durham. Our retreats are planned on an annual basis and are well-attended and valued by students.  These events offer quiet time for reflection to allow students and staff to retreat from the busyness of everyday life and focus on relationships with God and each other.

Easter Lourdes Pilgrimage

Students have the unique opportunity to participate in our Easter pilgrimage to Lourdes, which occurs every 2 years.   

Embracing All Faiths

We strive to make spirituality inclusive, accessible, and a genuine expression of our Catholic faith. St John’s welcomes those of other faiths, and we celebrate religious diversity, marking major world religious celebrations.