Dear Parent/Carer

You may have heard about an initiative we have been engaged in over the course of this academic year called 'Project Peru'. In June 2009 a group of 25 students and 5 staff will go out to work in one of the shanty towns on the outskirts of Lima. Through the project we will join with one of the local communities to refurbish a food kitchen which provides meals for 90 children and up to 20 elderly people each day. Without this facility these people would go hungry. We have also established a link with a school in one of the shanty towns. In building this partnership we aim to promote greater awareness and understanding of our respective countries and cultures.

To make this project possible we are fundraising and I am writing to ask for your support in two areas:

  • Prize Draw Raffle ? I have enclosed 3 books of raffle tickets with this letter and would ask you to sell these and return the money to the school. Each book costs ?1.00 and this money would be enough to pay for meals for a week from the food kitchen in Lima for one of the children or elderly. Please return any money, stubs and unsold raffle tickets to student reception office. It would be great, of course, if you were able to sell more than the allocation of 3 books and additional tickets are available from student reception.
  • Ceilidh on 6 March 2009 - Tickets are available from the school office at a cost of ?5.00 and the price includes a pie and pea supper. There will also be a bar on the night. We would really encourage you to attend to support our fundraising efforts and also to bring along as many family and friends as you can persuade for such a good cause. If you?ve never been to a ceilidh, it?s a huge amount of fun and no skill is required! If nothing else, it will put you in the mood to celebrate St Patrick?s Day properly!

Linked with this, we need raffle prizes. So if you have any spare bottles of wine, whisky (or anything else for that matter), boxes of chocolates, toiletries, etc. would you please send them in to our student reception office in school as soon as possible.

You will also find enclosed a newsletter giving more details about Project Peru. I look forward to seeing you at the ceilidh!

Yours sincerely,

Frank O'Neill
