“Strictly St John’s” is an event which started in 2011 to raise money for Project Peru. In our version of ‘Strictly’ staff and Sixth Form students take to the dance floor to compete against each other in order to win the ‘Strictly’ glitter ball. The dances range from the Cha Cha Cha to the Waltz and the Quick Step. Over a period of months, the participants spend many hours choreographing and rehearsing their routine culminating in two evening events which produce a magical (and highly competitive!) atmosphere. Last year we raised £7,000 and this year we are hoping to raise even more with sell-out crowds on both nights.

“Strictly St John’s” took place on 7-8 March and was a truly memorable experience for everyone involved. It highlighted the Catholic ethos and community spirit in St. John’s, bringing together the school community with the local community who have supported this event through donations and sponsorship.

This year we were very pleased to have Joe Plumb with us, currently on a home visit from Peru. Joe plays an integral part in planning and organising our trip and his involvement is vital in terms of the school projects being both meaningful and successful. In July of this year a group of 25 students and staff from the school will be venturing into the city of Iquitos in the Amazon region. We will be carrying out building and restoration work in the parish of Santo Tomas, working alongside local people in a food kitchen which provides essential nutrition for the poorest children and families and working with children in an orphanage.

Project Peru has been a life changing experience for those who have taken part in previous trips. We are confident that Project Peru 2012 will also prove to be an experience which will stay with us forever.

Varsha Nighoskar

Event Organiser