A group of 25 Sixth Form students and staff returned this week after an amazing two weeks in Iquitos, Peru working alongside Joe Plumb and The Peru Mission. The group assisted with the building of dining facilities in a local school and led workshops and activities at a children’s centre.

The expedition has been life-changing for all involved and experience of living at the heart of the Amazon jungle will be memories that will last a lifetime. Never will the  members of this trip forget seeing pink river dolphins in the Amazon River, dancing to Waka Waka in the streets of Iquitos and most of all, the smiles on the faces of the children in the school and children’s centre, who have made a lasting impression on us all. Maya Gibson tweeted, “If anyone is given an opportunity to take part in an experience like this – please please jump at the chance; it’s incredible!” If you would like to see what we did during the course of the trip, including more photographs, videos and stories of our day, follow @ProjectPeru2017 on Twitter.