Weʼre raising £2,000 to fund a building project in Iquitos, Peru as part of the Project Peru expedition during July 2018.

Project Peru is an opportunity for staff and students at St John's Catholic School and Sixth Form College to experience a completely different view of the world we live in. The group travel to Iquitos in Peru to work on a building project, aimed at helping some of the most deprived areas of Peru to prosper and thrive.

In recent years the project has helped build a bakery, which now provides fresh bread each day for the community as well as employment for a large number of local people. Playing fields have been created previously to allow a safe place for children to play. Last year our group helped build a kiosk at a school, which now provides over 600 students with what is likely be their only hot meal each day.

During the visit, students and staff take time each day to visit a local orphanage, where they provide activities for the young residents such as teaching English, creating craft projects, playing games and learning songs and dances. The bonds that are formed will stay with the students and the children at the orphanage forever.

We are aiming to raise £2,000 in order to help fund what will be our biggest project yet, helping pay for supplies and resources.

Please support our project if you can. St John's School and the community of Iquitos would thoroughly appreciate your donation. Every little helps!

Thank you.

Please visit https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stjohnsschoolandsixthformcollege

More information on Project Peru at St John's