Importance of Pastoral Care


At St John’s we are committed to providing outstanding pastoral care to ensure that all students are fully supported to fulfil their potential.  Our pastoral system is designed to offer comprehensive support, ensuring each student feels valued, respected and empowered to become the best version of themselves.

Our learning community is fully inclusive and we recognise that each and every student has unique God-given gifts and talents to share with the world around them. We are committed to the wellbeing of our students, and we endeavour to nurture every individual.  We aim to provide a supportive and inclusive environment where every individual can develop their spiritual, personal, social and academic skills and qualities so that they have a strong sense of social responsibility and can make a positive contribution to society.

Our pastoral system is based on year groups which are divided into tutor groups.  Each tutor group has a Pastoral Tutor who stays with the group from Years 7-11 and from Year 12-13.  Year groups are led by Heads and Assistant Heads of Year who are concerned for the welfare of all students in their group. Tutors are responsible for the academic, social and personal development of students within their tutor group and are supported by the Assistant and Head of Year. Members of the Senior Leadership Team link to specific year groups to provide further support, advice and guidance. 

Throughout each child's educational journey at St John’s, it is vital that students, their families and St John’s work in partnership so that every individual student feels supported.  Regular, open and honest communication is essential if all students are to grow and flourish, fulfilling their potential and realising their dreams. 


Pastoral Tutors

The pastoral tutor is the first point of contact for students, parents and carers; they are here to discuss the well-being and education of each child.  Tutors meet with their groups on a daily basis for PREP, Collective worship and pastoral sessions.  In this role, staff work hard to establish positive working relationships with each student and their families, offering support for any personal, social, academic or attendance issues which may arise. 

Classcharts data is carefully monitored to ensure that the tutor understands each student’s progress in subjects, their attitudes to learning, their achievements and their attendance and punctuality records.


Heads and Assistant Heads of Year

Heads and Assistant Heads of Year are responsible for each year group of students and pastoral tutors.  In these roles, staff guide and support students to become the best version of themselves by:

  • Promoting a ‘positive climate for learning'
  • Promoting good manners and respect for all
  • Monitoring attitudes to learning and academic progress
  • Celebrating students’ progress and achievements
  • Monitoring and promoting excellent attendance and punctuality records so that students can excel in both their education and wider opportunities

Our School Chaplain




We have a full time chaplain, Emma Ramsey, who leads a chaplaincy team to support the spiritual development of the whole community.  As “A Learning Community Guided by Gospel Values” our Chaplain is an integral member of our team, ensuring that the Catholic Life of our school flourishes.  The spiritual life of the school is supported through prayer, reflections, liturgies, pilgrimages and retreats.   In addition, our community is actively involved in local charitable work and international projects, such as our Project Peru.  St John’s is committed to organising fundraising activities within and beyond school and this supports our Catholic ethos; we continue to raise funds for the Great North Air Ambulance, CAFOD, Macmillan and Project Peru.  Through such activities, students develop their leadership skills and their understanding of the world around them.


Our chaplain is also available to support individual students in the quiet and peaceful surroundings of our chapel, working alongside our Student Welfare Team.

St John’s Welfare Team


The Welfare Team is a well-established and effective provision in school with a proven track record of supporting vulnerable students and their families.  Their work is essential in ensuring that students feel safe, secure and ready to learn. The team supports students with a wide range of personal, pastoral, well-being and learning needs. Our Student Welfare Team is coordinated by Julie Usher



The Team includes our School Chaplain, our Learning Mentors, our Parent Support Advisor, our SENDCO and our Pupil Premium Lead.