Curriculum information
MADD group is open to all key stages for extra-curricular Drama
Course Specification: New spec starting Sept. 2017. AQA GCSE Drama
Outline of Course:
3 components: 1 exam (worth 40%) on a set play and live theatre, 2 pieces of practical work (worth 40% and 20%), one devised drama and one script work.
What's assessed
- Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre
- Study of one set play from a choice of six
- Analysis and evaluation of the work of live theatre makers
How it's assessed
- Written exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes
- Open book
- 80 marks
- 40% of GCSE
- Section A: multiple choice (4 marks)
- Section B: four questions on a given extract from the set play chosen (46 marks)
- Section C: one two part question (from a choice) on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (30 marks)
Component 2: Devising Drama
What's assessed
- Process of creating devised drama
- Performance of devised drama (students may contribute as performer or designer)
- Analysis and evaluation of own work
How it's assessed
- Devising log (60 marks)
- Devised performance (20 marks)
- 80 marks in total
- 40% of GCSE
This component is marked by teachers and moderated by AQA.
Component 3: Texts in Practice
What's assessed
Performance of two extracts from one play (students may contribute as performer or designer)
Free choice of play but it must contrast with the set play chosen for Component 1
How it's assessed
- Performance of Extract 1 (25 marks) and Extract 2 (25 marks)
- 50 marks in total
- 20% of GCSE
This component is marked by AQA.
Drama encourages
and fosters enthusiasm, creativity, confidence, self esteem and social skills. The course has a great deal of scope for freedom and personalisation in specific areas of study, allowing students to pursue specific interests and strengths including:
- Improvisation Costume
- Physical Theatre Make-up
- Set Design Stage Management
- Text Interpretation
Drama can enrich students’ educational experiences, support other subjects, particularly English, and provide a strong foundation for further progression to Drama courses. It is also well-suited to any student who has a talent or interest in the Performing Arts.
Here are some student comments (taken from a recent student voice):
- "Drama is a fun and creative subject which really helps you discover the real you!"
- "Drama is the best lesson; it's fun, has the best teachers and helps you gain a lot of confidence and charisma which you wouldn't get from any other subject!"
- "Drama is an escape from the reality of everyday life; a subject in which you can become someone else. It's a way to express yourself and have fun doing something you love."
- "There is such a great atmposphere within lessons and you get a real self-esteem boost from lessons."
- "Drama is such a fun lesson. There is a brilliant learning environment and a great group dynamic. I genuinely enjoy these lessons."