For further information about Food Preparation and Nutrition at St John's please contact L Maddison (
Curriculum information
AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition
This new GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition course is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure that students develop through and understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. At its heart the qualification focuses on nurturing students practical skills to give them the ability to create a wide range of healthy food products.
The course is broken down into five core topics:
- Food, Nutrition and Health
- Food Science
- Food Safety
- Food Choice
- Food Provenance
Upon completion of this course students can go on to study food related courses, sports and nutrition related degrees and apprenticeships in catering or food industries.
Written Examination 1 hour 45 minutes 100 marks 50% of GCSE
NEA (Non Exam Assessment) Task 1 Food Investigation (30 marks)
Task 2 Food Preparation Assessment (70 marks) Students will prepare, cook and present a final menu of 3 dishes in a single period of 3 hours.
To support and enhance the students understanding competitions will take place throughout the year including The Great British Bake Off and Masterchef with other schools in the Catholic Partnership. The Springboard, Futurechef competiton at Middlesbrough College. External visits to local food manufacturing and catering establishments. Students will also gain a Level 2 in Food Safety in Catering which is a CIEH accredited course allowing them to work in the food industry.