For further information about Mathematics at St John's please contact L Devlin (

Curriculum information

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KS3 Maths

"The essence of maths is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple” – Stan Gudder, American Mathematician

Mathematics at Key Stage 3 is taught in sets, each set following a scheme of work designed to allow progression throughout the years. Students will focus on mastering the techniques and topics covered each year, reaching a level of understanding where they do not need to repeat this learning in future years, instead building and expanding their knowledge and understanding as they progress through St John’s.

We are committed to encouraging our Sixth Form students to become Maths Leaders, sharing their knowledge and experience with Year 7 students on a one-to-one basis and supporting with the provision of booster sessions for the most able Year 6 students at our feeder primary schools.

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KS4 Maths

Course Specification, (Exam Board, link to specification):

All students are currently following the new EDEXCEL GCSE Mathematics course (1MA1)

Outline of Course: Students will study the GCSE course for three years and at the end of the course students will sit three exam papers. Each paper will be 1hr 30 mins and is worth 33 %. GCSE Mathematics has a Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher tier (grades 4 – 9). A mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems. The mathematical demand increases as a student progresses through the paper.

Units of Study: Number, Algebra, Ratio, proportion and rates of change, Geometry and measures, Probability, Statistics

Sixth Form Courses

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This course will appeal to those students who:

  • Have an interest in mathematics and problem solving
  • Can cope with challenging concepts and don’t give up easily
  • Wish to apply for any university course which has some mathematical content

Many university courses (eg. Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, Engineering, Healthcare) have a significant mathematical content. A level Mathematics provides a good foundation for such courses by considering a wide range of applications of Mathematics.
Employees value qualifications in Mathematics both in terms of the subject content and also the problem solving skills which students develop throughout the course.

An A level in Further Maths is essential for any student wishing to study maths at university. The majority of science and engineering courses also have a substantial mathematical content and Further Maths will provide an excellent foundation for these subjects. Further Maths is a challenging A level which commands the respect of employers in many different fields.