Curriculum information
The GCSE PE is delivered over 3 years and covers a range of activities.
There are two papers sat at the end of Year 11. This makes up 60% of the course. The other 40% is practical assessment of three activities and a piece of written coursework.
The following content is covered.
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Movement analysis
- Physical training
- Use of data
- Sports psychology
- Socio-cultural influences
- Health, fitness and wellbeing
Students are also assessed on their practical performance in three activities. This can be two team and one individual or one individual and two team activities. Students need to be taking part in Physical Activity outside of school.
A rough year plan is as follows. This is subject to change to meet the demands of the cohort.
For further information please use the following link
YEAR 9 |
YEAR 10 |
YEAR 11 |
Theory |
Practical |
Theory |
Practical |
Classification of skills |
Coursework/ Practical Marks and Video evidence |
Health and Fitness |
Handball |
Swimming |
Goal Setting |
Components of fitness |
Information Processing |
Reasons for fitness testing |
Guidance |
Fitness testing |
Term 2 (11 Weeks - 22 lessons) |
Feedback |
Limitations of fitness testing |
Trampolining |
Arousal |
Types of training |
Swimming |
Aggression |
Principles of training |
Personality |
Safety/ warm-up and cool down |
Term 3 (13 Weeks - 26 lessons) |
Motivation |
Altitude training |
Handball |
Athletics |
Term 2 (11 Weeks - 33 lessons) |
Training seasons |
Participation |
Term 2 (11 Weeks - 22 lessons) |
Participation by women |
Health and Fitness |
Netball/ Trampolining |
Participation by ethnicity |
Somatotypes |
Other factors |
Sedentary Lifestyle |
Disability Participation |
Obesity |
Barriers to participation |
Diet |
Commercialisation and sponsorship |
Term 3 (13 Weeks - 26 lessons) |
Sport and the media |
Coursework |
Athletics |
Influences of commercialisation |
Influences on the media |
Term 3 (5 Weeks - 15 lessons) |
Players Conduct |
Prohibited Substances |
Spectators Behaviour |
Hooliganism |
Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Sport Science
The Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Sport Science course consists of four different units delivered over three years and is the equivalent of one GCSE. The units that students will complete are Reducing the risk of sports injuries, Applying principles of Training, and the other two units are decided between the teacher and the students as they progress through the course. There are practical elements to this course however students are not assessed on their practical performance.
Students will need to have an interest in sport and physical activity. Students completing this course often go on to study level 3 BTEC Sport at sixth form or college. With many also going on to study university degrees with sport and science related backgrounds.The Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 is a excellent option for students who have an interest in sport and provides a broad range of study that allows learners to gain knowledge and experience in many areas including: media, First Aid, physiotherapy, nutrition, coaching, teaching, and health services.
The following link outlines the course specification and the details of each unit covered on the qualification.
What's the best course for me?
The following comparison table highlights some of the key differences between the two PE courses offered at St John’s. Both courses offer the chance to achieve a qualification that is equally recognised. The key difference between courses involves how students are assessed.
Please read the demands of each course carefully and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mr Turnbull for further advice:
Extra curricular Clubs and Teams
We also offer a wide range of extra curricular opportunities for students.
Football |
Swimming |
Dance |
5 Aside Football |
Netball |
Basketball |
Handball |
Athletics |
Trampolining |
Badminton |
Morning Swimming |
Futsal |
Rugby |
Cross Country |
Cricket |
Table Tennis |
Girls Football |
Gymnastics |
- A 4 Badminton court Sportshall
- A 3 lane 20m Swimming Pool
- A Full Size 3G pitch
- A gym/ Dance studio with mirrored wall
- Playing fields
Rewards Trip | Wimbledon | National Futsal |
Football at Manchester United | Skiing Trip | Basketball Play offs |
Rugby Super League—Magic Weekend | Alternative Curriculum week | Primary Gym and Dance Tour |
Gym and Dance Show | Sports Day | Trip to Newcastle Falcons |
House Competitions | Visits from Famous Athletes | Sports Awards Evening |