Working in Partnership



Throughout your child's educational journey at St John’s, it is vital that we work in partnership to support our young people.  Regular, open and honest communication between parents, carers, and our dedicated staff is essential if we are to nurture our young people to grow and flourish, supporting them to fulfil their potential and realise their dreams. 

Pastoral Tutors


The pastoral tutor is the first point of contact for parents/carers in discussing the well-being and education of their child.  Tutors meet with their groups on a daily basis for PREP and pastoral sessions.  In this role, staff are able to establish positive working relationships with their tutees and their families, offering support for any personal, social or academic issues which may arise. 

Classcharts data is carefully monitored to ensure that the tutor has a holistic view of their tutees’ progress in subjects, their attitudes to learning and their achievements.


Information Evenings


Information Evenings are calendared for specific year groups, particularly Years 9 – 13 students and their parents/carers to provide further support regarding curriculum content, key assessments, revision techniques, managing workload and using time effectively.  In addition, such evenings also focus on students’ wellbeing, providing strategies and advice on how to cope with the pressure of examinations and social influences.


Progress Evenings


These evenings are designed to facilitate meaningful discussions between parents/carers and individual subject teachers, providing a comprehensive understanding of your child’s academic progress, strengths and areas for improvements within particular subjects/topics.

Progress Evenings serve as a platform for constructive conversations.  Our teachers will celebrate the strengths your child has gained in knowledge and skills throughout the academic year and enables parents/carers to gain insights into your child's educational journey.

At St John’s, we believe that fostering a strong partnership between parents/carers, and our dedicated staff is fundamental to your child's success. By working in partnership, we endeavour to build positive working relationships where open communication and collaboration thrive, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to fulfil their potential, realise their dreams and become the best version of themselves.


What is School Cloud?


At St John’s we use School cloud to arrange appointments for our Progress Evenings. Parents and carers will be notified by the school when booking is available.


How to use School Cloud


Home-School Agreement


Our Home-School Agreement is shared with parents/carers when students join St John’s in Year 7. The agreement is re-issued to Years 8-11 to ensure that positive partnerships are maintained and students are supported in their education by school and home.


As “A Learning Community Guided by Gospel Values” we are fully inclusive and recognise that each and every student has unique God-given gifts and talents to share with the world around them.  At St John’s we will nurture and value each individual on their faith journey, developing resilient and confident learners who have a strong sense of social responsibility. We will support, guide and enthuse students in their education so that they are inspired to excel and become the best version of themselves.  In order to fulfil our mission, we have high expectations that:

You as a Student:

  • Are honest, polite and demonstrate good behaviour at all times
  • Show respect for others (students, staff, parents/carers, visitors) at all times
  • Always wear the correct school uniform and take a pride in your appearance
  • Are punctual to every lesson and try to achieve 100% attendance
  • Are always prepared for learning by having the right equipment in your school bag
  • Always take full responsibility for your own learning, organisation and behaviour
  • Aim to work to the best of your ability, completing homeworks on time and meeting deadlines
  • Participate to the best of your ability in school activities, including enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities
  • Inform us and your parents/carers as soon as possible to any concerns you may have
  • Comply with the acceptable use policy for internet & computer hardware

You as a Parent/Carer:

  • Support the school’s ethos and recognise that we are working together in the best interests of your child
  • Support your child in their education, celebrating his/her achievements
  • Support school sanctions when your child’s behaviour is unacceptable
  • Support your child to achieve 100% attendance and punctuality by avoiding holidays in term time and by supplying reasons for absences promptly
  • Reply to school communications and advise the school as soon as possible of any issues concerning your child 
  • Ensure your child is always prepared to learn by coming to school in the correct uniform and with the correct equipment
  • Support your child to do their best with their homework by providing a suitable environment and appropriate time at home to complete the set work
  • Support your child’s progress by checking and signing the planner each week
  • Endeavour as far as possible to support the school’s activities (parents’ evenings, concerts and events)

Students and Parents/Carers are entitled to expect that we as a school will:

  • Provide a happy, caring and supportive environment for learning
  • Provide good moral guidance and excellent role models for your child
  • Provide effective teaching and careful monitoring of your child’s progress
  • Celebrate your child’s achievements and inspire them to excel
  • Ensure high standards are maintained and advise you of our expectations so that each child can fulfil their potential
  • Set appropriate homework for your child and advise you of relevant resources to support your child’s education
  • Provide up to date and timely information about your child’s progress and enrichment opportunities
  • Communicate any issues regarding your child as soon as possible and deal with parent/carer concerns in a professional and fair manner